Holy Trinity Church, Lyne and Longcross

Worshipping God, Nurturing Faith, Serving Others

Holy Trinity, view of church

Welcome to Holy Trinity Church

Lyne & Longcross 

An All Age Church Community 

with a very warm welcome for all. 

Please find a copy of our Pews News here

Our Friends from 

"Vox Mundi"

will be joining us on

Saturday 29th March at 4pm. 

They will be performing a 

Spring concert. 

Entry by donation

All donations will aid the work

of Child Action Lanka.

We are currently looking for volunteers 

to help staff the office and help with Administration,

 should you be able to help please contact Laurence or Barbara.

Our Treasurer will stepping down from their role, 

this will be a volunteer position 

and will be part of the PCC which drives change and decisions

 for  Holy Trinity Church, 

should you be able to help please contact Laurence or Barbara.

Please refer to Worship and Events for up to date information on services, as well as Pews News for all local community and Church information. 

  • Lyne Lane
  • Lyne, Chertsey
  • Surrey
  • KT16 0AJ

01932 874405
Email Us